Deakin University
Deakin wanted to stand out from the pack of Aussie Universities as the true leader in sustainability research, education and innovation. To incite long-term growth, we flipped the script and turned guilt and fear of our future into hope.

Reputation for Sustainability is a driver of choice for prospective students, yet no single University truly stands out in this space.
Universities all typically play into young Australians’ climate change anxieties and feelings of disempowerment, positioning themselves as saviours in a scary insurmountable world. They seek to leverage fear as a tool for consideration and behavioural change – yet fear without an optimistic solution is a blunt tool for change and fails to differentiate at a positioning level.
Rather than show people what they stand to lose, we wanted to instil people with hope for the future by sharing Deakin’s belief that sustainability is something worth fighting for.
This was achieved through a powerful online film featuring an exhausted polar bear in the corner of a boxing ring paired with a stirring monologue about the importance of hope.